Little Buddha Cafe


I need to digest the news of my impending death (all things relative, okay?) and escape the afternoon swelter, so back to the Buddha cafe I go for a shaded, riverfront chai.




I escape for an hour or so before diving back to the streets to hunt for gifts. Other than walk the avenues, do yoga, mediates, and plan your life, there isnt a whole lot to do here. Not that I’m complaining.

So, I buy myself just one little token, a souvenir of having been up in Tibetan refugee land–a gorgeous coral necklace (I know, Dianne. Predictable.) and beaded bracelet–and go on the prowl for the other special people in my life.

I know that come Jaipur, I’ll regret having bought stuff here, but well, it IS the yoga capital of the world, right? It’s gotta have special juju. Even the Beatles thought so.

This entry was published on September 10, 2012 at 05:35. It’s filed under India and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

2 thoughts on “Little Buddha Cafe

  1. diannemikeska on said:

    special juju coral, love it!

  2. Pingback: Rishikesh Things To Do: The Perfect Weekend Destination | Brandife

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